Monday, September 3, 2007

Spider-man Shake Shack: The Reckoning

So I know it's been over a week since my last post, and specifically over a week since I said that I'd post a picture of Spider-man at the Shake Shack, but never let it be said that I do not deliver when I make a promise.
(Click the image for full-size)

EDIT: Here's a picture of the real thing for comparison purposes. (The cup is also dead-on identical, but I couldn't find a good picture of that.)

I heard they bought several issues over at the Shack after I told them about it. And by I heard I really mean that my manager friends over there told me.

Another interesting thing is that the shack says "Master Shack" on it, which I can only assume is a reference to Master Shake from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

(As a semi-related note, astute readers may notice I did not use the summer tag on this post. That's because I'm now back at school, which is why my scanner is set up, which is how I'm able to bring you this image. Word.)

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