Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I read a LOT of comics, okay?


(This time including commentary for my favorite/only commenter... HI MAX!)

-The complete run of Alias.
Not to be confused with the TV show of the same name. I'd highly recommend this one to anybody. It's about a mediocre superheroine who decided she wasn't cut out for superheroics and became a private eye. So basically she goes around solving weird mysteries, having guy problems, trying to sort out her fucked-up life, and swearing heavily. It's pretty awesome, and self-contained too.

-World War III.
Wow, DC's latest stuff is really leaving me unimpressed. That is, except some random Superman stuff I've read recently. They have Kurt Busiek writing it, and he's really good with hugely powerful heroes. He focuses on the stuff that makes them human, but still manages to write in some kickass fight scenes.
But yeah, World War III turns out to be some dude nobody who hasn't been following 52 cares about killing some random b-list superheroes while Martian Manhunter contemplates. YAWN.


Anonymous said...

Wasn't Alias good? I actually spent some time collecting that when Max first came out and not just because the comic book company is named after me! I think it's one of those examples of how Marvel can take their "Flawed" heroes and really exploit them. I wonder if the reason Max isn't as big as Vertigo is that they allow for more room to explore mature subject matter in the regular comics... something to ask your bosses i suppose. it can go back to the stuff in the 70s and marvel doing issues about heroine abuse.

Sorry to hear about disappointing DC stuff. I myself am trying to explain (badly) Civil War to Kira. You should do a long post about it's intricacies and value to the world at large and I will have her read it

Blushing eternally (and check out my blog when ya can)


Anonymous said...

SAM! How do you do that cool thing where you can put text under the word and other words to the left and so it's nice and looks professional.

Let me know. Thank You

Sam said...

In regards to your first comment:
I think the reason you don't hear about Max as much as Vertigo is that it's better integrated into the Marvel line than Vertigo is with DC. Vertigo comics tend to be self-contained worlds, with no real connection to anything going on in the DC universe. Max is directly connected. I mean, compare, say, the stuff going on in 100 Bullets to Jessica Jones having a crush on her nerdy classmate Peter Parker.
Apparently a lot of the standard Marvel titles are in the Max line... I know at least one Punisher book is, for example.
So I think it's a combination of that and the fact that the marvel line continues to tackle tough real world issues (such as in Civil War) even when they leave out the sex scenes and the profanity, ya know?

Segue to... why Civil War is:
A) Because it's just a good story
B) Because it's a very well-constructed commentary on the current national security issues facing our country that doesn't resort to cliche and doesn't provide simplistic answers for difficult problems.
C) Because of the obvious nerdy reasons, namely that it's practically a who's who of the Marvel Universe and they're all fighting AWESOMELY.

With regard to your second comment... I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. Clarification?


P.S. I think depending on your definition, Marvel has been doing heroine abuse comics almost consistantly since it's founding. Now, heroin abuse... that's a different story. :-P

Anonymous said...

How did you place the alias picture on the page (what is the html code)

saw an article online and thought you might be interested in