Monday, June 4, 2007

more on the culture-blogging... hope nobody minds that I'm basically using my blog just for reviews of comics I've been reading/

-Thunderbolts... yes, all 114 or so issues. I'd recommend it to anybody with a passing interest in comic books. Though it has its ups and downs like all series that have been running for that long, its premise (villains trying to be heroes) never gets old and neither does its infatuation with weird no-name third-rate villains. It's a lot of fun.
-The first volume of She-hulk. This is better than it ought to be, simply because superhero law is really amusing. Can a ghost summoned by Dr. Strange testify in his own murder trial? What happens when a villain sues a superhero who left him in a full body cast? Is it okay to use comic books as legal precedent? Comic books don't have enough wackiness these days, but this one still does.
-The Sentry: Reborn. Here's the pitch: What if Superman were a paranoid schizophrenic with agoraphobia? The book is kind of a cross between Superman and Memento. Good stuff. Kinda gave me a headache though...

One of these days I'll write a real entry

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