Friday, June 29, 2007

In which Sam decides to actually post ABOUT work

I've found that one of the really cool parts about working at Marvel, besides reading lots of free comics, is one that I didn't really expect, namely photocopying.

I guess I should clarify. I'm not talking about photocopying some random skrull-related issues of X-men to send to Brian Michael Bendis. What I enjoy is photocopying hand-drawn inked artwork. There's something magical about taking an 11" x 17" inked page and shrinking it down to 8.5 x 11. All of a sudden the clean lines become even crisper, the large black regions, loosely colored with a big marker, become pure black. In short, the already-beautiful artwork becomes, well, this:

(Well, not technically this, because this is a DC page, but it's by Phil Jimenez and I've been scanning his work lately. Also, talking to him about The Bionic Woman. Nice guy. Anyways...)

It's a moment where you can really see the process happening, and I find it very cool to be part of, even though when you actually think about it, it's just photocopying. I guess intern work is what you make of it?

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