Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Back in the Saddle (That's a country music pun)

It's funny how I'll be so good about posting all the time and then TOTALLY lose it and not post for a week. But this time I have a really good excuse, I swear! I mean, I haven't even seen the latest episode of Californication yet!

The reason, you ask? Well, in addition to applying to my first job (McKinsey!), I also have been auditioning for the Varsity Show composer/lyricist. For you non-Columbia people, the Varsity Show is a huge musical put on every spring. It's totally student-done and one of Columbia's oldest traditions. I mean, Rodgers and Hammerstein got their start writing music for the Varsity Show. Anyway, I applied and got a callback and just had my second audition tonight so I'm kind of freaking out, fretting (pardon the guitar pun) about whether I got the job.

Okay, that was all just a long-winded way of explaining the song I'm putting up. It is by no means an official definitive recording of the song, but it is A recording of my first audition piece. The prompt was a song about going out at/around Columbia. So here's my song, entitled "Choosy Guy". Enjoy.

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