Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Two in one day?

Yes, two posts in one day... shocking, isn't it? Must be one of three things: either I'm avoiding doing homework, Ahmadinejad's come back, or I finished a new song. At least two answers are acceptable; I'll let you guess which ones.

Anyway, here's my newest song Young and In Love.

It's about, well, young love, but also robots and dancing. Enjoy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a big fan of the new song. I feel like I've heard that exact voice effect somewhere, but can't place it. It also heavily reminds me (take this as commendation or damnation) of Hellogoodbye, but the first thing I thought of when I heard it was Digital Love.

Either way, good stuff.

-Sme "A different name every time" ets