Sunday, July 29, 2007

Cower Before The Power of Chairlactus!

I know this is sort of weak post considering I haven't updated since Tuesday (has it really been that long?!?) but I just read this Times article about urban explorers and thought it was really cool, so I figured I'd blog it.

They mention Columbia's tunnel systems in the article, which is pretty cool in that "it's cool to read about my school in the Times even though it's mentioned regularly" sort of way, and reminds me that I really ought to check those out some time before I graduate. Are they even still open? I remember reading that the school was cracking down on tunnel crawling, but I'm not sure whether they ever actually went through with it. In any case, it's about time I came to grips with my minor claustrophobia, now that I no longer really have any problem with needles. (Whoa! Sam talking about his fears in his blog? Unheard of! Quick, make a joke!) Yeah, then all I need to do is get blinded by radioactive goop that also gives me radar sense and I'll totally be Daredevil. Yep, Sam Roberts, the Man Without Fear. That's me.

On an unrelated note, I got my car window smashed in yesterday while I was playing baseball at Rye Neck High School. I can't understand how that happened in a relatively full public parking lot, but whatever. It just sucks, especially cause they took Chrissy's camera and cash.

On another unrelated note, I had a weird wine-induced dream last night, which somewhat resembled Marvel's "Civil War" series of comics, only all the superheroes were chairs. The dream ended when Chairlactus showed up. Seriously. Best. Dream. Ever.

1 comment:

Maxwell Foxman said...

wine induced dreams are the best